We’ve made a new release of MOA 16.04.
The new features of this release are:
- BICO: BIRCH Meets Coresets for k-Means Clustering.
- Hendrik Fichtenberger, Marc Gillé, Melanie Schmidt,
Chris Schwiegelshohn, Christian Sohler: ESA 2013: 481-492 (2013)
- Hendrik Fichtenberger, Marc Gillé, Melanie Schmidt,
- Updates:
- MultiLabel and MultiTarget methods
There are these important changes after MOA 2015.11 release:
- Use Examples instead of Instances to be able to deal easily with unstructured data
- Use Apache Samoa instances instead of WEKA instances
- Use the javacliparser library
You find the download link for this release on the MOA homepage:
The MOA Team